Patricia is a Professor and Senior Investigator in Global Health Ethics at the Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities (WEH) and the Ethox Centre, University of Oxford.
She is a sociologist with over twenty years of experience, who conducts inter-disciplinary research across multiple institutions and geographic locations, including NGOs and global health research institutions in Europe, Africa and South East Asia.
She has advised on the ethical conduct of research and treatment of frontline staff to organisations including SAGE, the WHO, Save the Children, Medecins San Frontieres and the Nuffield Council of Bioethics.
Patricia’s work is internationally recognised and she has served as the Keynote Speaker at multiple conferences, acted as a panel member for funding bodies including the Wellcome Trust, and achieved a place on the Power List for being among the less than 1% of Black Women employed in senior positions at an Oxbridge institution.
She is one of the youngest women to be awarded a full professorship in Oxford’s 925-year history and the youngest Black professor at Oxford or Cambridge.