Information for researchers


Grant Terms and Conditions

Our Grant Terms and Conditions can be found here.

Information on being an AMRC member

The Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) is a membership organisation of the leading medical and health research charities in the UK. As a member, we follow its guidelines for best practice on peer review and support its position statements on supporting research in universities and the use of animals in research.

The Foundation follows the AMRC guidelines for best practice on peer review and all grants received undergo a rigorous peer review procedure. This may involve written expert peer review and/or evaluation by Expert Review Panels. Written peer review is undertaken by independent expert reviewers.

Expert Review Panel Members are selected who work in an area relevant to the remit of the funding call. You can read more about the principles of peer review on the AMRC Guidance on Peer Review page.

Proposals involving animals - 3Rs

We support the AMRC’s position and the principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) - which promote the development and dissemination of techniques that reduce, refine, or replace animal experiments, in relation to any part of research involving the use of animals.

Full details can be found in the Terms and Conditions.

Open access policy

As part of our vision to advance medical research, improve human health and change people’s lives, we are committed to ensuring that the knowledge and discoveries which result from research we fund are available to everyone.

Open access is an important means of achieving this, as it makes published research freely and permanently available online for anyone to read, share and reuse.

All research articles that arise from our funding must be archived, as well as being immediately and freely available through Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC).

Read our full Open Access Policy to find out more.

Carbon offsetting

We support carbon offsetting in research, where possible. This includes the carbon footprint of travel necessary for carrying out research. Further details about carbon offsetting can be found in our Terms and Conditions. Please contact the Research team at if you have any queries.

Artificial intelligence

As members of the AMRC we support its position statement on the use of AI in grant funding applications and assessment.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Science

We are members of EDIS – the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Science and Health coalition – to learn and develop best practice in the area. Since early 2022, we ask all grant applicants to tell us how the sex/gender dimension of their research has been accounted for in their experimental design. We have also guided our peer reviewers and Expert Review Panel members to specifically address this issue in the applications they assess.

Please refer to the MRC guidance on sex and gender in experimental designs.

We joined with organisations across the UK medical research sector to publish an statement of intent signalling our support for the introduction of dedicated sex and gender policies for biomedical, health, and care research in the UK.

Global Talent Visa

As a Foundation funded researcher you are eligible to apply for the Global Talent visa, which is a specialist visa for researchers seeking to carry out research in the UK. The Foundation is endorsed as a funder by UKRI and your application will be fast-tracked if you’re part of a Foundation research grant. For further details please visit the UKRI Global Talent visa page.

Get in touch

To find out more about the research we fund and applying for funding.

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